How to disable instance termination after a failed health check by asg ?


my asg is taking health check from load-balancer but i need to disable the instance termination without affecting the running website to investigate the the issue of failed health .

preguntada hace un año528 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi Vinay,

For your purpose, you may want to use the lifecycle hook (activated by the ASG service when it prepares termination) corresponding to instance termination in the ASG:

And then, in this hook, you send detach commands to ASG service to remove this instance from the group: see



profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año
  • Detach can only be run on InService instances. It will fail on ones in Terminating:Wait

    But the hook would give time to notify a human to manually investigate or have a snapshot taken to be reviewed later

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