Username Prefill for WorkSpaces SAML Configuration JumpCloud


I am working on configuring SAML integration with JumpCloud as my idP for Amazon Workspaces. I have followed the Workspaces SAML Guide and verified that all of the information is correct. When testing the configuration and relay state, the registration code populates correctly, but I can not get the username to populate for the user to sign into the desktop application (or the web browser).
Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you!

preguntada hace un mes81 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi sk1102,

just look at below steps and try it once

  1. Check Attribute Mapping: Make sure that the attributes being sent from JumpCloud to Amazon Workspaces are correctly mapped. Ensure that the attribute containing the username is mapped properly in both JumpCloud and Amazon Workspaces.

  2. Test Attribute Values: Double-check the attribute values being sent from JumpCloud. Ensure that the username attribute contains the correct value for each user.

  3. Relay State Configuration: Verify that the relay state configuration is set up correctly. The relay state should be configured to pass along necessary information, including the username, to Amazon Workspaces.

  4. Logs and Error Messages: Check the logs or error messages in both JumpCloud and Amazon Workspaces for any clues about what might be going wrong. This can help identify any specific errors or issues with the configuration.

  5. Testing with Different Users: Try testing the SAML integration with different users to see if the issue persists across multiple accounts. This can help determine if the problem is specific to a particular user or if it's a more general issue with the configuration.

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