New EC2 instance launching after Termination. How to stop/prevent this cycle ?


I terminated an EC2 instance but a few minutes later a new one launched. I terminated once again, but another instance launches. How do I prevent this from happening ? I checked for auto-scaling and elastic-beanstalk but neither are enabled ?

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

preguntada hace un año217 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
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You can start by seeing if there is information in the CloudTrail logs that points to who is issuing the ec2:RunInstance API call. See: Viewing events with CloudTrail Event history.

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respondido hace un año
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revisado hace un año

Thank you @kentrad ! There were enough breadcrumbs in the CloudTrail logs you suggested (i was not aware of this ability to track previously) to narrow down my rookie-error :) Somewhat embarrassing, a-hem.... These were spot instances which I'd set as persistent. First time doing this. So, basically I had to navigate in the console to "Spot Requests" and then: "actions" --> "cancel request".

Thanks again!

respondido hace un año

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