Build a Cloud Sync Engine for Windows to Sync S3 Data


Hi, I have been using this (Build a Cloud Sync Engine) documentation to build a Cloud Sync Engine, Is there any possibility to Sync the Data from the AWS as like OneDrive did,

We are already have users data in S3 bucket, I'm planning to sync them with this, Like the Folders and Files that are in the user's account, I'm planning to display them in the cloud sync folder like this,

Enter image description here

Kindly suggest me a way to integrate the AWS with the cloud sync engine Any suggestions would be helpful! Thanks for your time.

preguntada hace 2 años698 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

AWS has a service called Storage Gateway. One of the gateways supported by Storage Gateway is a File Gateway. You can find more information about this in the relevant AWS docs -

The file gateway can be used to not only move files from your on-prem to Amazon S3 and Amazon FSx for Windows File Servers on AWS but also make those files accessible for your on-prem users.

This blog also has information on this.

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años

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