how to access s3 bucket from resources within a private vpc?


I have a sagemaker processing job that runs in a private vpc, will it be able to access s3 buckets within the same account , but not in a vpc?

preguntada hace 7 meses454 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


First of all, Amazon S3 buckets can not be hosted inside a VPC.

Having said that, you can access an Amazon S3 bucket from a private subnet, with non additional charge, using gateway VPC endpoints. Take a look at the following AWS documentation page, I hope it helps you.

Note that you can also add an Internet Gateway + NAT Gateway to allow your workloads from a private subnet to communicate with an Amazon S3 bucket over the internet, but apart from being more expensive, I suppose that you want to avoid it.

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respondido hace 7 meses
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revisado hace 7 meses
  • @Mikel Del Tio - thanks . somewhat related follow up question , do you know if other resources in sagemaker, like models and endpoints are also in vpc by default? if so, i will create a vpc endpoints for all the sagemaker resources to access s3?

  • Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Could you add more information please?

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