Can I connect to my Lightsail instance via VNC?


Our system administrator really needs VNC access to our Lightsail instance as a minimum requirement. We are new users of Lightsail but the lack of VNC connectivity is preventing us to stay with the Lightsail platform. (We use Ubuntu) Is there a solution to this pls?

preguntada hace 8 meses345 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
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I found this Ubuntu tutorial for configuring VNC on an Ubuntu server in EC2:

The steps should be identical except for step 4 (AWS Configuration): Instead, navigate to your instance's networking tab and configure a firewall rule to allow TCP connections on port 5901.

Here's a link to documentation on how to configure instance firewalls in Lightsail:

respondido hace 8 meses

That tutorial works on Ubuntu 16.04. There is an updated one that works for 22.04 and 23.10 here:

respondido hace 8 meses

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