Need help deleting old glacier vaults that aren't empty and I have no api keys


Hi I'm hoping there's a way for me to delete my old glacier vaults that are unused. I seem to stupidly enough have saved an incorrect key so I wouldn't be able to restore the content even if I wanted to. Is there any way to create new keys for an old vault? Or better yet, any way to delete a vault without the access key I used to create it?

preguntada hace un año193 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Without API keys or access credentials it is not possible to directly delete Glacier vaults or perform any actions on them. Glacier is designed to provide long-term storage for data, and the process of retrieving and deleting data requires specific authentication and authorization.

I would recommend opening a AWS support case if possible and seeing if there is anything that can be done to forcefully delete the vault without the keys available.

respondido hace un año

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