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AWS direct connect quota - BGP session


Dear Team - As per,

Routes per Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) session on a private virtual interface or transit virtual interface - 100


Number of prefixes per AWS Transit Gateway from AWS to on-premise on a transit virtual interface - 200 **

As the routes per BGP session is limit to 100, How we can use number of prefix per AWS TGW to 200 ? Will BGP session limit will not be an issue while advertising 200 prefix from TGW ?

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The Routes per Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) session on a private virtual interface or transit virtual interface limit of 100 are for the prefixes you advertised to AWS via BGP.

The Number of prefixes per AWS Transit Gateway from AWS to on-premise on a transit virtual interface of 200 are for the prefixes AWS advertise to on-prem.

I hope the above makes it clear.

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