No connection using Amazon ECS Exec


I am trying to connect to a container using "Amazon ECS Exec", in this way:

Enter image description here

but produce this error:

Enter image description here

I have the correct role associate to the service in the Task Definition

Enter image description here

The role has an inline policy using specific JSON values for resources based on my AWS region, account ID, and cluster name.

Enter image description here

And my service has " "enableExecuteCommand": true "

Enter image description here

The above using

Enter image description here

My task definition has added the following JSON snippet under containerDefinitions to enable ‘initProcessEnabled’:

Enter image description here

But despite that, I always get the error at the beginning, I have no connection problems if it can identify that the cluster, the service, the task, and the container with the names and ARN are fine.

What may be the error, thanks.

preguntada hace 2 meses285 visualizaciones
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The problem was a mistake in the role created, I need to add it is working

AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy SecretsManagerReadWrite

Enter image description here

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