External python libraries in a AWS Glue python shell job


I am trying to use geopandas in a python shell job, but can't get it working.

I have tried following this guide: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/glue-import-error-no-module-named and also providing a zip file of the library as well. In the first case it says 'No module named shapely' (with or without shapely in install_requires in setup.py). In the second case, it says 'No module named shapely.lib'

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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The easiest thing is just to use --additional-python-modules=shapely so it installs from pip.
If you use a zip, make sure the module inside is correct (you can unzip it locally, start a Python interpreter on the same directory and see if you can import it and it)

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