What is the number of deivces in the public device list?


I found there are around 100 devices in my public device list. However, I am using a free service with basic edition. What if i pay for subscription? Will the public device list become larger or remain the same?

preguntada hace 2 años304 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


are you using AWS IoT Core? You have the control how many devices your are creating. There is also no subscription model for AWS IoT Core. You are charged based on usage.


respondido hace 2 años
  • https://awsdevicefarm.info/ You can find the sample in this link. I mean the public device list. If i can create the device that not in the list, then how to create the device that is not in the public device list?


AWS Device Farm is not an AWS IoT service. You can use AWS Device Farm to test your applications on real mobile devices.

I just checked the public device list page and it includes 116 devices. There is also an option to use private devices.

In case you want to see a device that is not in the public list you can find more information at https://aws.amazon.com/device-farm/device-list/.


respondido hace 2 años

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