vCPU capacity limit in free tier


I am unable to install second EC2- instance while 1st ec2 instance is running. how can I run 2 ec2 instances run at a time with same AMI (linux) in same region in free tier? since yesterday Iam getting error in launching second ec2 instance as follows "you have requested more vCPU capacity than your current vCPU limit of 1 allows for the instance bucket that the specified instance belongs to. request an adjustment to this limit" what does this error mean? if I adjust limit is it chargable? where to check the vCPU capacity? If I want to launch 3 to 4 instances in free tier without exceeding 750 limit is possible or not? what kind of AMI's I need to choose to launch and run 3 instances at atime? please guide.

preguntada hace 2 años1,2 mil visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

You must be seeing 'Free tier eligible' label against the AMI name and the instance family with which you should be able to launch additional instances until your free tier limit exhausts. It is generally the burstable ('t' family) micro instances with 1vCPU that are eligible for free tier. (Ideally t1.micro and t2.micro. In some regions where t2.micro is unavailable, t3.micro is allowed under free tier)

The 'instance type' drop-down during the ec2 instance launch process, displays the instance family, vCPU, memory and 'Free tier eligible' label (if eligible for free tier)

From the error message it sounds like you are choosing an instance family which might not fall under the free tier.

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años
  • no i have choosen t2 - micro- freetier - only. if possible let me know how to contact on phone ,someone in aws support team on this issue to resolve.

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace 2 años

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