Getting error while creating Elastic Beanstalk


I am simply creating Elastic Beanstalk and when going to "Set up networking, database, and tags" section and enabling database section it is throwing the below error even I am not providing any parameter related to DB:

Configuration validation exception: Invalid option value: 'db.t2.micro' (Namespace: 'aws:rds:dbinstance', OptionName: 'DBInstanceClass'): DBInstanceClass db.t2.micro not supported for mysql db engine.

I can not choose any value as the option itself is disabled now and to edit I need to enable it and when I an enabling getting the above error.

preguntada hace 7 meses339 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Enter image description here You're encountering this error when trying to activate the "enable database" switch. This appears to be a bug on the AWS side, as Amazon Elastic Beanstalk is selecting a db.t2.micro instance that is not compatible with the RDS db option. A workaround is to skip this step and manually create the database.

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revisado hace 7 meses

Hi Ravi,

If you're encountering an error with Elastic Beanstalk and RDS, even though you haven't manually set up an RDS instance, it might be due to Elastic Beanstalk's default configurations attempting to create an RDS database with settings that are no longer supported or compatible. Here's a quick fix you might try:

  1. Disable RDS Option: During the Elastic Beanstalk environment setup, if there's an option to enable an RDS database, ensure it's disabled. This step is to prevent Elastic Beanstalk from automatically trying to create an RDS instance with default parameters that might be causing the issue.
  2. Manual Configuration: After your Elastic Beanstalk environment is up, manually configure your RDS instance from the RDS service console with supported parameters and link it to your application as needed.
  3. AWS CLI: If the console doesn't allow you to bypass this error, using the AWS CLI to update your environment configuration without specifying an unsupported DB instance class can be an alternative.

Hope this helps!

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