Stop CodePipeline from triggering on every GitHub commit/push


When I was first tried out CodePipeline to integrate with GitHub repository, it created a connection with a GitHub app, and the pipeline executes whenever new commits are pushed. That was fine for learning the basics, but now we want to implement a regular build schedule instead (e.g. build every midnight). It seemed rather straight forward enough to define a CloudWatch Events rule with that schedule.

But, I can't find any means to stop the pipeline from reacting to each and every push? The CodePipeline setup console uses GitHub v2 provider, and it shows nothing about trigger conditions.

It appears the webhook method is only applicable to GitHub v1 provider? Don't see anything controllable from GitHub side either.

How does the GitHub v2 provider interact with GitHub repository under the hood? And how to control it?

preguntada hace 4 años3,3 mil visualizaciones
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Earlier this year (2021), a new option was added to CodeStar Connection-based source actions for CodePipeline - this option now allows you to prevent triggering of the CodePipeline on git commits.

In the console, the option can be found when creating or editing a Source Actions that is attached to a Bitbucket, GitHub (Version 2), or GitHub Enterprise Server source provider. Under the section named “Change detection options” the option is exposed as a “Start the pipeline on source code change” checkbox.

In the SDK/CLI, this option is known as “DetectChanges”. More information can be found @

respondido hace 4 años
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revisado hace 8 meses

Looking at the nature of the underlying (CodeStar?) connection that CodePipeline relies on,

For a CodeStarSourceConnection source action, you do not have to set up a webhook or default to polling. The connections action manages your source change detection for you.

Well, what happens if we don't want the action to do its own thing? - to make it scheduled execution instead?

respondido hace 4 años

Testing out another pipeline with BitBucket (because eventually our actual team projects are hosted there), and looks like BitBucket source action has the same deficiency. Not good.

Edited by: icelava on Oct 31, 2020 4:45 AM

respondido hace 4 años

Multiple AWS staff have informed me via other channels that indeed the current GitHub/BitBucket integration feature set lacks this functionality. The exposure of the underlying event rule (for control) will be implemented in future versions.

respondido hace 4 años

GithubActions have a really nice fine grain control when events are fired. Maybe a combination of that and an S3 SourseAction might solve your issue.

respondido hace 4 años

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