EFS not mounted to AWS PCS Login Compute Node Group Instance


I followed AWS PCS documentation - Getting Started sections.

In Login Node instance, I don't see EFS mounted to it.

Typically /home should be configured as NFS mount per documentation.

Tried to mount using amazon-efs-utils as below (replaced REAL_EFS_FILE_SYSTEM_ID with real EFS Id):

  - mkdir -p /tmp/home
  - rsync -a /home/ /tmp/home
  - echo REAL_EFS_FILE_SYSTEM_ID:/ /home efs tls,_netdev" >> /etc/fstab
  - mount -o iam -a -t efs defaults

Got Error:

mount.nfs4: access denied by server while mounting

I have following Policy in IAM Role associated with IAM Instance Profile attached to Login Node:


Wonder why EFS is not mounted ?

preguntada hace 4 meses108 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi @RDX, were you able to solve the issue?

In case like this I'd start checking Security Groups associated to the cluster, checking if port 2049 is accessible.



respondido hace 3 meses

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