Toll Free - Two Way SMS Functionality


Hello Team,

We are looking for solution for two way SMS implementation. We are having IoT use case where device sends an SMS to customer. We want to customer should be also able to respond to that SMS and Device should be able to display that SMS. Could you please guide us which service would be useful for this workflow ?? Currently we are using Toll Free number to send SMS.


3 Respuestas

Amazon Pinpoint is a service that support two way messaging with SMS service. For your workflow, this can be a custom integration between AWS Lambda, AWS IOT Core and Amazon Pinpoint. Included is the documentation for Amazon Pinpoint and a whitepaper for a sample architecture:

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revisado hace 2 meses
  • Thank you for sharing the documentation link ... I am not getting what exactly this section trying to say. ...

    In our IoT application, what we are doing is, We are sending an SMS to end customer. Consider message example like this "Hey Dude, I am waiting for you in room number 1" ... User is getting this message on his personal mobile number with sender number starts with 10 digits number contains +9157****** . Now we want to enable two communication like same customer can respond on this message like "I will be there in next 10 mins". Device should be able to receive this message and display on screen.

    Right now what happening is when we send mentioned json payload with following code base to end customer, it send entire JSON payload to end customer on his phone number. Moreover, I am not getting how end customer would be able to respond on +9157***** number.

    PublishRequest request = new PublishRequest() .withMessage(jsonPayload) .withPhoneNumber(destinationNumber); PublishResult result = snsClient.publish(request);

    Looking forward for your response.


In the code snippet, it appears you are leveraging SNS client to publish the message. Is that correct? Try using PinpointSMSVoiceV2 client with send_text_message method. I've included link to an aws samples github project for two way sms leveraging pinpoint.Hope this helps:

respondido hace 2 meses
  • I do have tried sending SMS with following code snippet ... Where end customer received SMS, but when customer tried to respond over there SMS from his mobile ... it showing failed only. It seems that customer got the SMS from number which is not valid to respond. I am using toll free number while sending SMS from application to end customer.

    AmazonPinpoint client = AmazonPinpointClientBuilder.standard() .withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(awsCredentials)) .withRegion(region) .build(); SendMessagesRequest request = new SendMessagesRequest().withApplicationId(appId) .withMessageRequest(new MessageRequest().withAddresses(addressMap).withMessageConfiguration( new DirectMessageConfiguration().withSMSMessage(new SMSMessage().withBody(message) .withMessageType(messageType).withOriginationNumber(originationNumber))));


Is the toll-free number that you are using, enabled for two-way sms within Pinpoint.? When enabled, responses from your customers should be sent to either Amazon SNS or Amazon Connect depending on the Destination Type chosen for the endpoint. While programming isn't my strong suit, it appears there is a version 2 API for Pinpoint SMS and Voice.

respondido hace 2 meses
  • Thanks Team,

    We are able to implement two-way SMS with registered toll free number.

    Just one doubt we have is will this US toll free number would work for other countries also or we have to register country wise different toll free numbers to implement two-way SMS ??

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