Restoring the editor layout still an issue on multi-monitor setup with disparate resolutions


RE: Lumberyard 1.18 Release Notes / Fixes / Miscellaneous

Restoring the editor layout is no longer an issue on multi-monitor setups with disparate resolutions and sizes.

This is still an issue for me, as my editor layout will not restore correctly. The sizing of docked windows is not saved when I close and reopen the editor and I have to resize my docked windows with every launch. Please confirm this as a known issue or let me know if you need more information. Thanks!

preguntada hace 5 años170 visualizaciones
6 Respuestas
Respuesta aceptada

Hi! We have recorded an issue for this in our backlog. Thanks for the feedback!

respondido hace 5 años


respondido hace 5 años

Sorry for the delays @REDACTEDUSER

respondido hace 5 años


Any update?

respondido hace 5 años


Any update?

respondido hace 5 años


Thank you. If you need any additional information, screenshots, etc. just let me know.

respondido hace 5 años

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