Lambda NET6: How to read connection string from Parameter Store?


Lambda NET 6 -> RDS PostgreSQL . During development I run it on my local workstation as a NET 6 Web app-> localhost PostgreSQL, After deploying to AWS I use RDS. The question: How can I read connection string from appsettings.json file in local version and from AWS Parameter store in case AWS?

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Hi Oleg.

You can use the .NET Configuration Provider to easily read information from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. This extension is hosted on GitHub and is free and open source.

I hope this helps (if so, please accept the answer).

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revisado hace 2 meses
  • Hi Jose, thank you for the interesting link. One question: how can I detect where code is executing to get config parameters from appsettings file when local machine and from Parameter store when in AWS?

  • Oleg,

    You would use environment variables for that. Note in the documentation the one called AWS_EXECUTION_ENV. It will return something prefixed with "AWS_Lambda" if it is running in Lambda.

    I hope this answers the question.

  • Also check LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT which will be null or empty for an environment other than Lambda.

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