Why do Route 53 A records reappear after I successfully delete them?


I have a custom domain registered in Route 53 and some A records pointing to an ip address. Everything works fine except when I delete the records they reappear after a few minutes. Similarly, if I change them to point to a S3 static website, it works for a few minutes before changing back to the ip address.

preguntada hace 10 meses259 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas


Maybe it has something to do with the TTL of the record?
If the TTL value is large, new IP addresses may not be resolved for several minutes.

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respondido hace 10 meses
  • I was wondering the same thing, it's roughly the right amount of time. The TTL is set to 300 of the deleted records was set to 300 and the records reappeared 280s after deletion.


Does the issue need manual operation to resolve? Or, after waiting several minutes/hours, is the issue resolved automatically? If so (automatically resolved issue), DNS record have Time To Live and Propagation mechanism and it cause the issue. Change for DNS record often need time to reflect the change to name resolution by local machines.

respondido hace 10 meses
  • I have not been able to resolve the issue so far (i.e. permanently delete the records) either manually or by waiting. The change is initially effective but reverts to the previous ip address after a few minutes.


In the end I deleted the hosted zone and created a new one with the entries I wanted to keep.

respondido hace 10 meses

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