How to restart Sagemaker endpoint?


Sometimes, when CUDA error: device-side assert triggered error occurs due to some invalid input or something, the Sagemaker endpoint stops working even for any future valid inputs. This stackoverflow answer says that restarting is the only way to solve this error. However, I can't find a way to simply restart a Sagemaker endpoint and all I have been doing is delete an existing endpoint and then create a new one. This takes a lot of time, so I was wondering if there was any way to simply restart the sagemaker endpoint machine.

preguntada hace un año1013 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Hi, did you try to update your endpoint with a new config via update-endpoint CLI command:

It says:

Deploys the new EndpointConfig specified in the request, switches to using newly created 
endpoint, and then deletes resources provisioned for the endpoint using the previous 
EndpointConfig (there is no availability loss).

You may also want to automate the detection of status change of your endpoint via EventBridge and link it to a Lambda that will do the endpoint update to minimize your downtime. See

Best, Didier

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año

Looks like you can't restart an endpoint by calling update-endpoint without specifying a different endpoint configuration, since the endpoint's current configuration is "in use".

aws sagemaker update-endpoint --endpoint-name my-endpoint --endpoint-config-name my-endpoint-config

An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the UpdateEndpoint operation: Cannot update endpoint "my-endpoint" with the currently in use endpoint configuration "my-endpoint-config.
respondido hace 8 meses

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