Rekognition Streaming Video events and Custom Labels



i am trying to configure Rekognition with Streaming Video Events but i am having a hard time when trying to use custom labels. Works fine with Face detection but i want to detect specific "labels" in a live video.

I have created a KVS, configured the SDK and can stream video from my laptop and IP camera.

But, if try to create a Stream processor with custom labels i keep getting an error An error occurred (InvalidParameterException) when calling the CreateStreamProcessor operation: Invalid label(s) specified for ConnectedHome: "XXXXX", "YYYYY"

Is there a limitation in use cases so that Streaming Video Events can only be used with Person, Pet, All labels?

I know that a workaround is to use a kinesis stream, lambda, fetch frames from the video , store them in S3 and Rekognition will do the rest.

But i was hoping that could do the same with live video and Streaming Video Events.


preguntada hace un año266 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Dear Nikitas,

Thanks for reaching out.

CreateStreamProcessor API can be used to create StreamProcessors with two different settings in Amazon Rekognition: detecting faces (FaceSearch option in Settings) and detecting labels (ConnectedHome option in Settings).

Rekognition Streaming Video Events currently only offers label detection on one of the following labels: PERSON, PET, PACKAGE, ALL for ConnectedHome option in Settings.

You can refer to the below documentation for more details:


AWS Team

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