CSV to Parquet using AWS Glue


I converted a CSV(from S3) to parquet(to S3) using AWS glue and the file which is converted to Parquet was named randomly .How do i choose the name of the file that is to be converted to Parquet from CSV ?
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when i add data.parquet at the end of the s3 path (in target) without '/' ,AWS glues is creating a subfloder in the bucket with the name data.parquet instead of file name, where as the new file parquet file is created with the name like this "run-1678983665978-part-block-0-r-00000-snappy.parquet"

where should i give a name to the parquet file ?

1 Respuesta

You can't, the files are named so they are unique inside the job and between multiple runs.
You would need to rename them yourself using a library like boto3 (bear in mind rename really makes a copy so be conscious if the files are many or large).

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