AWS MWAA Environment error "INCORRECT_Configuration"


Hello , i'm new to AWS MWAA, i've read and followed the document from AWS to create MWAA Environment. After 35 Min I see that the Environment creation failed with following error. Can you please help me on this ? Error code INCORRECT_CONFIGURATION Message You may need to check the execution role permissions policy for your environment, and that each of the VPC networking components required by the environment are configured to allow traffic. Troubleshooting:

preguntada hace un año373 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Please see to help diagnose missing network access or permissions.

respondido hace un año

The deployment is a black box deployment, with little documentation. Only thing you can do is check the cloudtrail for any issues.

Cloudwatch Insights can help if you have the trail setup to log to cloudwatch.

respondido hace un año

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