When uploading multiple files at once in the s3 console, the result says success, but some files are only partially uploaded.


When uploading multiple files at once in the s3 console, the result says success, but some files are only partially uploaded.

For example, if I wanted to upload four identical videos with different names, as shown in the image below, Enter image description here

It says the upload was successful, but shows a strange result where the progress is not 100%. Enter image description here

If you look at the uploaded results, you can see that I uploaded 4 of the same files, but one file has a different size. If you have more files, you will have more files that are only partially uploaded like this. Enter image description here

This has been happening recently. I can reproduce it 100%. Is this a new bug in the S3 console? Or is there a setting in the bucket that might have something to do with it?

preguntada hace un año345 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Based on my experience, once your file size reaches 100 MB, should consider using the multipart upload service. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/mpuoverview.html

respondido hace un año
  • We've been uploading 37TB of videos (20 million files) for 2 years and never experienced this issue. We've only been experiencing it recently.

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