do we have some mechanism to extract the step function graph as svg or png which shows the states got excuted and and states got errored and flow of execution ?


After the step function got executed, do we have some mechanism to extract the step function graph as svg or png which shows the states got excuted and and states got errored and flow of execution ? I couldn't find any resources from aws documentation. Reaching out to this forum to see any tools from aws builder community.

2 Respuestas

You want to obtain this image via API or via console? If it's via console, you can easily do that via any screen capture utility. Via API, you can use

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año
  • I think the api gives execution details not the graph.


No. Currently there is mo such API for retrieving the image of the execution.

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año

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