Scheduling - schedules generated not for all staff


Hello. I face 2 issues

  1. I have a forecasting group where we have 5 queues included and a short-term forecast was generated and published. Contact volume predicts, but Average Handle Time is a horizontal line with the same value for 3 months. How to get this resolved so that AHT will predict normal values not just one number for all the time?
  2. For the same forecasting group, I generated a schedule. But the schedule was generated not for all staff. We need this to be generated for all the staff. For one day from 14 people on the staff, the schedule was generated only for 1 staff. And also, generation has around 10 warnings. How to fix this?

Please let me know which additional information is required to address these issues.

Thank you in advance.

preguntada hace 4 meses149 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

Issue 1: AHT as a Constant Value

1.Review Data Quality:
    Ensure that your historical data for Average Handle Time (AHT) is accurate and represents the variability in the actual handling times.

2. Seasonality and Trends: Analyze historical AHT data for any patterns, seasonality, or trends. It's possible that AHT has some variations that are not captured in your current model.

3.Adjust Forecasting Model:
    Use a forecasting model that can capture variations in AHT. Time series models, such as ARIMA or exponential smoothing, might be more appropriate than a simple constant value.

4.Consider Influencing Factors:
    Identify factors that may influence AHT, such as the type of queries, complexity, or other external factors. Incorporate these into your forecasting model.

Issue 2: Schedule Generation for Partial Staff

1.Check Staffing Data:
    Ensure that the staffing data, including the number of staff available and their schedules, is accurate and up-to-date.

2.Review Warning Messages:
    Examine the warning messages during the schedule generation process. These warnings can provide insights into why the schedule was not generated for all staff.

3.Adjust Parameters:
    Review the parameters used for schedule generation. Ensure that they are configured to cover the entire staff. Parameters such as constraints, preferences, and availability should be appropriately set.

4.Consider Workload Balancing:
    If the workload is not evenly distributed among staff, consider adjusting workload balancing parameters to ensure a fair distribution of tasks.

5.Check for Errors in Data:
    Verify that there are no errors in the input data, such as missing or inconsistent information about staff availability.

6.Consult Software Documentation or Support:
    If you are using specific software for forecasting and scheduling, consult the documentation or contact customer support for guidance on resolving these issues. They might provide insights into the specific features and configurations of the tool.
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respondido hace 4 meses
  • Hello Hari Priya Reddy Maddi,

    Thank you for your response. I added some details with screenshots and questions as a new comment because I could not put them here. Please check

    Many thanks for considering my request.


I hope this answers 1st and 2nd option to the Issue 1

If no, Issue 1: 2. Could you please provide some guidance on how to Analyze Historical Data for seasonality or trends? I think the screenshot I provided shows the actuals for some period and it is obvious that it has variability 3. How to use a different forecasting model? When I created a forecast, there was no choice for the options you specified. 4. How to identify factors that may influence AHT?

Issue 2: 1. I have created a Staffing Group and the only change that I made for all users is the time zone change in Staff Rules, and nothing else.

Should I add something to the Staff Rules for agents that are members of this Staffing Group? 2. 1st part (1-5) of Warning messages 2nd part (6-9) of Warning messages

Could you please review why these warnings happen? I couldn't understand and didn't find anything in the documentation that was related. The only warning that I understood is that the minimum staff is more than half and I am aware of this warning. 3. There were no parameters such as constraints, preferences, and availability during generations of schedules. Can you please show what you refer to? 4. How to balance workload in AWS Connect? I haven't seen such an option before 5. How to check this? 6. I am using only Amazon Connect for both Contact Center and Forecasting/Scheduling and documentation is not enough, unfortunately.

respondido hace 4 meses

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