Kinesis Video updateMediaStorageConfiguration AccessDeniedException (403)


I am utilizing the aws-sdk (v2.1289.0) on a Node server to set up video related features for an application. I am using the KinesisVideo class (aws-sdk/clients/kinesisvideo). I am able to successfully create channels and streams, but when I try to run updateMediaStorageConfiguration I get an AccessDeniedException. The exact error reads: AccessDeniedException: The account id XXXXX is not allowed to access the resources.

The relevant code:

            ChannelARN: channel.ChannelARN,
            MediaStorageConfiguration: {
                Status: 'ENABLED',
                StreamARN: stream.StreamARN,
        }, (err, data) => {
            if(err) console.log('error', err)

ChannelARN and StreamARN are both defined. It doesn't appear to be a permissions issue as even with admin access to all services, the error still occurs. I am wondering what I can do to troubleshoot. The same error also occurs when using describeMediaStorageConfiguration.

preguntada hace un año387 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
Respuesta aceptada

The new preview feature for WebRTC Ingestion, which is what you're configuring via update-media-storage-configuration, is currently only available in the us-west-2 region. Please confirm that your AWS region is being set to us-west-2. See the following resource for more details on how to set the region in your code:

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año

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