CloudWatch metrics of aws rds snapshot export to s3



I'm using "Exports In Amazon S3" feature to export snapshots data of my clusters to Amazon S3.

There are a couple of questions in this regard:

  1. Are there any CloudWatch metrics about failing tasks? For now I would never know if export task failed;
  2. Tasks are run every day for every cluster, so in AWS Console there are a lot of entities on the "Exports In Amazon S3". Is there a way to clean up old tasks?
  3. Are there any plans to produce export in native psql format *.sql or *.c instead of *.parquet.gz?
preguntada hace 2 meses58 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
  1. CloudWatch Metrics for Failing Export Tasks:

    No direct CloudWatch metrics for export task failures. Use RDS event notifications or Lambda to monitor and notify about export task failures.

  2. Cleaning Up Old Export Tasks:

    No direct way to delete old export tasks from the console. Manage data with S3 lifecycle policies to automatically delete or archive old export files. Consider scripted solutions to track and manage old tasks externally.

  3. Export in Native PostgreSQL Format:

    Currently, only Parquet format (*.parquet.gz) is supported. No official plans for native PostgreSQL export formats like *.sql or *.c. Consider custom solutions to convert Parquet files to PostgreSQL formats if needed.

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