Cannot upload more than 60GB on S3 through UI or console access


Is there any limitation while uploading file on S3 through User Interface ? After 60GB it fails.

Through CLI its possible but through UI/Console it fails.Is there any limitation ?

preguntada hace 10 meses218 visualizaciones
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The limit for uploads via the Console is 160GB, anything bigger use the command line

  • Upload an object in a single operation by using the AWS SDKs, REST API, or AWS CLI – With a single PUT operation, you can upload a single object up to 5 GB in size.
  • Upload a single object by using the Amazon S3 console – With the Amazon S3 console, you can upload a single object up to 160 GB in size.
  • Upload an object in parts by using the AWS SDKs, REST API, or AWS CLI – Using the multipart upload API operation, you can upload a single large object, up to 5 TB in size.

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