Direct Connect Gateway with 2 TGW from Same Region


Can I configure two TGW from Same Region (from different Accounts) with a single Direct Connect Gateway?

  • Hi, Could you please elaborate your use-case a little more, what is the reason to have 2 TGWs in the same region?

  • Hi Tushar, Customer has two separate teams and they want to keep their TGW separte.

preguntada hace 2 años1041 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
Respuesta aceptada

Yes, it is possible. DirectConnect Gateway is a global construct, you can connect TGWs from same as well as different regions. The limit is you can conect upto 3 TGWs to 1 DXGW.

See the example from AWS Hybrid Connectivity Whitepaper

Check the quotas here

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respondido hace 2 años
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