Burst Concurrency Quota increase?


Me and my team are in the design stages for a very high-traffic, (potentially) low-latency process. We are interested in a serverless design. We would like to use Lambda, but the Burst Concurrency Quota is a concern. We need Lambda to scale rapidly if a traffic spike occurs. Is it possible for AWS to increase the Burst Concurrency Quota for our account and for any region?

Note: We do leverage Provisioned Concurrency and Python.


preguntada hace un año381 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

As you likely read from this URL: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/burst-concurrency.html

"If you need a burst concurrency limit increase, please inquire further through AWS Support. Service Quotas do not support changes in burst limits at this time."

So, I recommend that you reach out directly to AWS Support via https://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/

Hope this helps, if so please accept this answer

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