bedrock second knowledge base


All, i am trying to create second knowledge base based on pinecone db. The first one created without any problems. However, second one shows error The knowledge base storage configuration provided is invalid, please check your configuration. secret arn is the same. new role has been created. new s3 bucket has been used with the same configuration as the old one new index with proper url is created - i verified that this is accessible by python code. is it possible to have several knowledge based for the same provider? where can i find error details (log file)? thank you Yevgeniy

preguntada hace 5 meses538 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
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it is possible to have several KBs with Pinecone.

respondido hace 5 meses
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revisado hace 4 meses

i was able to create second knowledge base. the only difference between this and pervious attempts is a length of pinecone URL. very strange

respondido hace 5 meses

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