Retrieving secrets


If I have a secret in secrets manager with 5 secrets in, but I only want to retrieve 2 specific secrets at a time for my application is there a way I can do that? Also, when retrieving how would I only get it to output the value? For example. If I have secrets A = XXXX and secret B=YYYY combined under secret 1. How do I retrieve just A from secret 1 and, showing only the value of XXXX instead of A=XXXX?

preguntada hace un año241 visualizaciones
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the only way to achieve what you want is to have a distinct secret for each piece of content that you want to protect.

Decoding can only happen globally for a given secret. So, in your case, you need to store Content1 in secret A and Content2 in secret B if you want different access rights to different security principals.



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