How to re-register a managed node in AWS Systems Manager?


Hi. I have recently been using AWS Systems Manager (SSM) with a Greengrass core device to execute shell commands remotely from the AWS console. I was successful in executing the shell commands and proceeded with de-registering the managed node due to the fact that the SSM documentation clearly states that "You can reregister an on-premises server, edge device, or VM again at any time. Systems Manager stores the command history for a deregistered managed node for 30 days". I wanted to re-register the same managed node but am unsure how to go about doing this. I tried navigating around the SSM console and even looked in the API reference to see if there was an AWS CLI command to execute to re-register a node. I also tried redeploying the Greengrass components but all these attempts were unsuccessful. Am I missing something here? Any assistance or at least a nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

1 Respuesta


the easiest way since you have Greengrass core running on the device is to deploy the aws.greengass.SystemsManagerAgent component.

Alternatively you can manually install the agent by following these instructions.

Cheers, Massimiliano

respondido hace 2 años

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