Retrieve created/updated by 'SCIM' in Identity center group details



Inside Identity Center, I have setup an Idp using SCIM from Google Workspace. I also have manually created Identity Center groups.

In the Web console, I can see Created by: SCIM or Created by: Manual according to the provisioning type.

But I cannot find this information is the APIs. I have looked at IdentityStore API as well as the SCIM implementation

Can you help me please?

preguntada hace un año333 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi There

You wont see the "CreatedBy" specifically in the API, but you can look for an ExternalID if you are trying to decide whether a user or group was provisioned by SCIM. If a user was provisioned by SCIM, the DescribeUser API will return the ExternalIDs field.


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respondido hace un año

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