Can gameSessionProperties be updated with a call to UpdateGameSession?


With the announcement that GameLift Search can now reference Custom Game Properties...

...the Custom Game Properties can be very useful. We would like to be able to update those Custom Game Properties with a call to UpdateGameSession. This will enable the changing nature of a server to result in searches retrieving more pertinent results.

preguntada hace 7 años257 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas


This is a great feature request, and we will be adding it to our backlog. Any other customers interested in this feature can feel free to reply here as well!

respondido hace 7 años

This Would be a really useful feature and something we are looking into in our architecture.

respondido hace 4 años

I'm looking for this feature. Is there a solution for custom game properties that can be updated?

respondido hace 4 años

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