EC2 instance not available for HTTP request from some networks


Our EC2 instance (server IP is not responding to HTTP request from our client in Indonesia server IP After checking on our apache logs we found nothing, but we tested from other network working just fine.

Attached with the traceroute result From

Please help on this, we got stuck for many days without any clue why is this happening.

preguntada hace 8 meses187 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

This tracert log is from your network, right? Please check from your client side. Also check log on ec2 if it get any request from client's network.

respondido hace 8 meses
  • The traceroute result is from our client's server. And i have monitoring on all incoming traffic there's no request coming from our client's server IP or hostname either. The traceroute got a timeout at this IP address > and not going through.

  • Since you open all inbound and from any source but not see request from your client then I think some rule blocked your client . show this is router belong to PCCW Global, Inc. in Singapore


I’d check the remote client end for any firewall rules et , ACLs and routes which may prevent the access to your server IP

Also check your Acls, security group and routes which may prevent access.

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respondido hace 8 meses
  • thank you for your suggestion. I have checked the security group attached to that EC2. it opens to all inbound traffic from any source, i think it should be fine. but our client from indonesia tried to traceroute to our IP and they got a timeout from this IP address > and the request not going through.


Some internet routers disable ICMP; hence traceroute will timeout. Can your client ping your EC2 instance in Jakarta region?

%% ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=51 time=23.798 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=22.084 ms

Also ask your client to access it via http ( and https (

If client is unable to access it via ping, http and https from their office network (but is able to using mobile internet from their personal devices), it probably means that access is blocked, perhaps by on-premise firewall at client's site.

respondido hace 8 meses

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