I want to connect my wordpress installation to my domain


Hi Amazon Community,

my question is already half in the subject. I have an domain on siteground. I cant transfer it to route 53. I have DNS-Zone in Lightsail and have configurated the amazon namenservers on siteground. Now the question is which settings should I chose (from the attached pictures)? And what is the difference between ipv6 adresse and static ip?

Nice regards sebastian Gib hier eine Bildbeschreibung ein Gib hier eine Bildbeschreibung ein

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If you select StaticIP, your domain will be set to the static IP you configured in Lightsail
If you select IPv6, Lightsail's IPv6 will be set for the domain.
Select IPv6 if you want to host your website using Lightsail's IPv6, or StaticIP if you want to host it with IPv4.

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revisado hace 7 meses

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