Managing AWS Lightsail instance DNS records from Namecheap


I notice all tutorials online show how to add AWS name server addresses to domain name’s registrar to transfer management of your domain’s DNS records to Lightsail.

Example tutorial:

Is it possible to just manage the DNS records from Namecheap directly? For example, adding A record with Lightsail instance public IP as value in Namcheap.

Any potential issue for this configuration?

PS: Because I had deployed a website on Vercel and configure the domain DNS records (along with some other DNS records) on Namecheap. Now I need to deploy a new wordpress site which host with AWS Lightsail and I need to point a subdomain to this site. Transfer the management of DNS to Lightsail will mean I need to reconfigure the records and settings.

preguntada hace un año568 visualizaciones
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Yes, you can just add the A type record pointing to the IP address of your Lightsail instance in the NameCheap dashboard. You don't have to transfer the DNS server to AWS.

You can follow this documentation article: How can I set up an A (address) record for my domain?

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  • Thanks for answering! Managed to configure it in NameCheap. 🤝

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