My website is showing database connection error


my website has been down since last Sunday (01/10/2023). I have tried restarting Lightsail Instance but not working. Nothing has been changed by me because I am not a developer so I do not know more about it. By searching on the internet I have tried to check the cause but I was unable to find it. I just found that Mariadb is not working and not restarting.

bitnami@ip-###-##-##-##:~$ sudo /opt/bitnami/ status mariadb Cannot find any running daemon to contact. If it is running, make sure you are pointing to the right pid file (/var/run/

preguntada hace un año297 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
Respuesta aceptada

Hello! Can you create a snapshot for your instance and try to create another instance from that snapshot? Follow this doc for help:

respondido hace un año
  • A few snapshots were not working but the old snapshot is working perfectly. Thank you very much.


Have you tried starting it with

sudo /opt/bitnami/ start mariadb

profile picture
respondido hace un año

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