Last version of R in RStudio (Sagemaker)


Hi. I am using version Pro 2023.03.3 Build 547.pro5 of RStudio but the latest version of R (4.3.2) is not available (the most recent version available is 4.2.3). Why is the latest version not available? According to this link, it should be available:

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The availability of R versions in RStudio on AWS SageMaker may depend on various factors, including compatibility testing and updates performed by AWS. While R version 4.3.2 may be available in the general R environment, it might not yet be supported or officially offered in the SageMaker RStudio environment.

You can reach out to AWS support for clarification on the availability of specific R versions in RStudio on SageMaker and inquire about any updates or timelines for adding newer versions. Additionally, you may consider checking AWS documentation and release notes for any announcements regarding R version updates in SageMaker RStudio.

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