DDR write access problem



I am implementing an FPGA IP connected to the AWS shell through AXI interface. The IP performs : loading data from DDRA, calculation on these data storing the result in DDRB The IP integrates the following AXI interfaces : - S00 : Full AXI , Write access to DDRA to transfer data from host application - M00 : Full AXI , Read access to DDRA for loading data to be computed - S01 : Lite AXI for configuration and debug - M02 : Full AXI , Write access to DDRB for storing partial results - S02 : Full AXI , Read access to DDRB to transfer data to host application

The computing part initiates accesses to DDR : 2 x 2 beats of 512 data bit, for a basic version

The FPGA design is based on the IPI CDMA Test Example. Test are performed with C file provided with the HDK on F1 instance

Data are transfered from host to DDRA correctly. I have implemented registers in the kernel to check the reading access from DDRA The problem is on reading results from DDRB. DDRB data are set to 0. I checked that data are correctly read by replacing DDRB data by constant data. -> OK

I have to run simulation to check axi_awvalid, axi_awready, axi_wvalid, axi_wready and axi_wlast . But when I try it I get the following error message : "ERROR: [VRFC 10-449] cannot open file "/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/xsim/ip/blk_mem_gen_v8_4_5/blk_mem_gen_v8_4_5_synth_comp.vdb" for writing"

Can you tell me how to fix this issue?

Best Regards

preguntada hace un año237 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hi, this sounds like a design issue specific to datapath between DDRA and DDRB. We highly recommend to run simulations to ensure functional correctness of the design.

As for the error, do you see if the file /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/xsim/ip/blk_mem_gen_v8_4_5/blk_mem_gen_v8_4_5_synth_comp.vdb exists?

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