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Health check failure with HTTP/2 in an ALB target group


Created a new ALB with HTTP/2 support and configured the target group to use HTTP/2 as well. The goal was to make them compatible. However, I am currently facing health check failures when using HTTP/2 with the target group in the ALB. Interestingly, when I used the same container with a different target group, it was able to successfully pass data using the HTTP/1.1 protocol. Could you please help me understand why the health checks are failing in the HTTP/2 configuration?

1 Respuesta

Hi, maybe you face this issue with TLS:

If a target group is configured with HTTPS health checks, its registered targets 
fail health checks if they support only TLS 1.3. These targets must support an
 earlier version of TLS, such as TLS 1.2.

See for all details.

Hope it helps!


profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un año
  • The target group is set up to exclusively listen on port 80 for HTTP traffic.

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