Troubleshooting AWS EC2 Instance Instability: Upgrading Type and Managing Credit Limits


Today I have a t2 EC2 instance in free tier mode, however, I have been having instability problems with my application... sometimes my instance becomes unavailable... I researched and saw that it may be due to the maximum credit limit being used... my question is:

Is it possible to upgrade the instance type? If yes, is it necessary to reconfigure the entire environment again?

Is it possible to increase the credit level or prevent the instance from simply stopping when it reaches a certain value?

preguntada hace un año255 visualizaciones
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No re-creation of the environment is required when increasing the instance size of an EC2 instance.
T2 is not suitable for running heavily loaded applications because its performance drops to baseline throughput when burst credits are exhausted.
When running applications with heavy loads, it is recommended to use M6 or similar.

However, M6 is not eligible for free tier, so a fee will be charged.

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