How do I associate multiple phone numbers to Amazon Connect contact flows as a batch of changes?

Lecture de 3 minute(s)

I want to associate multiple phone numbers to Amazon Connect contact flows with a runbook to automate the process.

Short description

To associate of multiple pairs of phone numbers and contact flows in your Amazon Connect instance, use the AWSSupport-AssociatePhoneNumbersToConnectContactFlows automation runbook.



Before you start the AWSSupport-AssociatePhoneNumbersToConnectContactFlows runbook, make sure that your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role has the required permissions. For more information, see the Required IAM permissions section of AWSSupport-AssociatePhoneNumbersToConnectContactFlows.

Create a CSV file

This runbook requires that you provide an input CSV file that contains the PhoneNumber and ContactFlowName pairs in E.164 format similar to the following:


Note: Make sure that you upload the input CSV file to your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket before you start the runbook.

Run the automated runbook

To launch the runbook, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to AWSSupport-AssociatePhoneNumbersToConnectContactFlows in the AWS Systems Manager console.
  2. Choose Execute automation. Enter the following values for the input parameters:3. (Optional) AutomationAssumeRole: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows Systems Manager Automation to perform actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses the permissions of the user that starts this runbook.
  3. (Required) ConnectInstanceId: The ID of your Amazon Connect instance.
  4. (Required) SourceFileBucket: The Amazon S3 bucket that stores a CSV file that contains the pairs of phone numbers and contact flows.
  5. (Required) SourceFilePath: The Amazon S3 object key of the CSV file that contains the pairs of phone numbers and contact flows. For example, path/to/input.csv.
  6. (Required) DestinationFileBucket: The Amazon S3 bucket that the automation will place an intermediate file and result report.
  7. (Optional) DestinationFilePath: The Amazon S3 object path in DestinationFileBucket to store an intermediate file and result report into. For example, if you specify path/to/files/, files are stored under s3://[DestinationFileBucket]/path/to/files/[automation:EXECUTION_ID]/.
  8. (Optional) S3BucketOwnerAccount: The AWS Account Number that owns the Amazon S3 bucket where you want to upload the contact flow log. If you don't specify this parameter, the runbook uses the AWS account ID of the user or role in which the Automation runs.
  9. (Optional) S3BucketOwnerRoleArn: The ARN of the IAM role with permissions to get the Amazon S3 bucket and account block public access settings. For example, the bucket encryption configuration, the bucket ACLs, the bucket policy status, and upload objects to the bucket. If this parameter isn't specified, the runbook uses the AutomationAssumeRole if specified, or user that starts this runbook if AutomationAssumeRole isn't specified.
  10. Choose Execute.
  11. Review the detailed results in the Outputs section.
  12. If any pairs weren't processed, then use the Output section to identify the pairs and run the runbook again.

Related information

AWS Support Automation Workflows (SAW)

Run an automation

Setting up Automation