Customer Data Responsibllity


Are there any cloud deployment models, or cloud service models, that DO NOT require the customer to take responsibility for managing their data (including encryption options)?
Asked another way, Is the customer ALWAYS responsible for managing their data (including encryption)?

demandé il y a un an222 vues
2 réponses
Réponse acceptée

Customer Data encryption is always customer's responsibility as can be seen clearly in the Shared responsibility model.

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répondu il y a un an
  • If the deployment model, service model, or no other exceptions matter, then that's good enough for me. From this point forward, I will say that the customer is responsible for the encryption of their data - NO MATTER WHAT!!! Thanks Tushar J


Possibly SaaS where they encrypt the data for you (or at least should). The customer is responsible for their data in any cloud platform AWS, GCLOUD, or Azure. That's entirely by design.

répondu il y a un an
  • Thanks for your reply Evan. So, if the SaaS service model, where you say "they" encrypt the data for you, if the Customer doesn't take the initiative of encrypting their data in this service model (SaaS), and the data is breached, who is liable - customer or AWS? If possible, I would love a response that offers a definitive answer, versus an opinion. Thanks again Evan.

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