After clone of Redhat Server to another account / region subscription is invalid


I have a Redhat server in US East-1 region under an account. I have taken a snapshot of the drives and shared them with a different account. From the other account, I copy the snapshots to US East-2 region and create volumes from them, which I then attach to new Redhat servers in that region (essentially I'm cloning a server from one region to another). This all works fine until 30 days later, when I can no longer get RedHat updates. I've been getting around this by creating a new server and re-attaching the drives to it (this gets me another 30 days). I'm guessing that there is a better way to go about this. Any suggestions are appreciated.

demandé il y a un mois133 vues
1 réponse

Hi There

Instead of creating volume snapshots, can you create an AMI of the EC2 instance instead, and share that with the other account? The RHEL subscription is tied to the AMI.

Create AMI:

Share AMI:

Copy AMI to another region:

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