End of life notification for Amazon RDS MySQL database on db.t2 instance type - clarification required


I am currently running a Reserved Instance RDS MySQL dbt2.medium instance which is due to expire on July 7th 2023. I have recently receceived notification that Amazon plans to retire T2 instances by April 2024. It states that existing T2 instances will be migrated automatically to the replacement T3 version when the retirement date approaches. The notification also states that I will no longer be able to purchase a db.t2 Reserved Instance from June 30, 2023. I am seeking guidance on what steps I need to take to replace my existing Reserved Instance which is shortly to expire. It appears that existing db.t2 Reserved Instances are STILL availble for purchase. If I am advised to purchase the newer replacement T3 version can I assume my existing instance will be automatically migrated for use with the newly purchased T3?


David Anderson UK

2 réponses

To clarify on point do you mean if you purchase T3 RI's will your old instances be updated or do you mean when your instances are auto upgraded will they use the new T3 RI's

If the later yes if you purchase T3 RI's they will automatically apply to the upgraded T3 instances when they are deployed. If you are asking if buying the RI's triggers the upgrade then no you would either need to wait for the auto update or perform the upgrade on your own to take advantage of the new RI's.

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Hi David,

If you purchase a db.t3 RI upon expiration of your current db.t2 RI, no RI discount will be applied until a db.t3 instance matching the purchased RI settings is detected in your account. You will need to first migrate your db.t2 instances to db.t3 for your newly purchased db.t3 RI to take affect.

So you are correct to assume your existing instances when migrated to db.t3 will automatically make use of your db.t3 RI if they match the purchased RI settings.

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