SSM AWS-RunPatchBaseline Script Failure `missing 1 required positional argument`


I have started seeing failures on Scanning for patching using patch manager on amazon linux 2022 and 2023. I'm seeing it on both x86 and arm deployments of AL2022/2023.

Using python binary: 'python3'
Using Python Version: Python 3.9.16
04/13/2023 20:04:57 root [INFO]: Downloading payload from
04/13/2023 20:04:58 root [INFO]: Attempting to import entrance file os_selector_cross_account
04/13/2023 20:04:58 root [INFO]: Running with snapshot id =  and operation = Scan
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: Instance Id: i-0b************
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: Region: us-west-2
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: Product: AmazonLinux2023
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: Patch Group: 
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: Operation type: Scan
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: Snapshot Id: 72267b53-9594-4369-8507-e89e45e479b1
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: Patch Baseline: {'accountId': '***********', 'baselineId': 'pb-0a624803d647da0ab', 'name': 'AWS-AmazonLinux2023DefaultPatchBaseline', 'globalFilters': {'filters': [{'key': 'PRODUCT', 'values': ['*']}]}, 'approvalRules': {'rules': [{'filterGroup': {'filters': [{'key': 'CLASSIFICATION', 'values': ['Security']}, {'key': 'SEVERITY', 'values': ['Critical', 'Important']}]}, 'complianceLevel': 'UNSPECIFIED', 'enableNonSecurity': False, 'approveAfterDays': 7, 'approveUntilDate': None}, {'filterGroup': {'filters': [{'key': 'CLASSIFICATION', 'values': ['Bugfix']}]}, 'complianceLevel': 'UNSPECIFIED', 'enableNonSecurity': False, 'approveAfterDays': 7, 'approveUntilDate': None}]}, 'approvedPatches': [], 'approvedPatchesComplianceLevel': 'UNSPECIFIED', 'approvedPatchesEnableNonSecurity': False, 'rejectedPatches': [], 'rejectedPatchesAction': 'ALLOW_AS_DEPENDENCY', 'createdTime': 1678728950.037, 'modifiedTime': 1678728950.037, 'description': 'Default Patch Baseline for Amazon Linux 2023 Provided by AWS.', 'operatingSystem': 'AMAZON_LINUX_2023', 'sources': []}
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: Reboot Option: RebootIfNeeded
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: Unable to initialize exit code reporting: No metrics ID from server
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: Loading patch snapshot from snapshot.json
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [INFO]: {'patchBaseline': {'accountId': '*********', 'baselineId': 'pb-0a624803d647da0ab', 'name': 'AWS-AmazonLinux2023DefaultPatchBaseline', 'globalFilters': {'filters': [{'key': 'PRODUCT', 'values': ['*']}]}, 'approvalRules': {'rules': [{'filterGroup': {'filters': [{'key': 'CLASSIFICATION', 'values': ['Security']}, {'key': 'SEVERITY', 'values': ['Critical', 'Important']}]}, 'complianceLevel': 'UNSPECIFIED', 'enableNonSecurity': False, 'approveAfterDays': 7, 'approveUntilDate': None}, {'filterGroup': {'filters': [{'key': 'CLASSIFICATION', 'values': ['Bugfix']}]}, 'complianceLevel': 'UNSPECIFIED', 'enableNonSecurity': False, 'approveAfterDays': 7, 'approveUntilDate': None}]}, 'approvedPatches': [], 'approvedPatchesComplianceLevel': 'UNSPECIFIED', 'approvedPatchesEnableNonSecurity': False, 'rejectedPatches': [], 'rejectedPatchesAction': 'ALLOW_AS_DEPENDENCY', 'createdTime': 1678728950.037, 'modifiedTime': 1678728950.037, 'description': 'Default Patch Baseline for Amazon Linux 2023 Provided by AWS.', 'operatingSystem': 'AMAZON_LINUX_2023', 'sources': []}, 'product': 'AmazonLinux2023', 'patchGroup': '', 'instanceId': 'i-0b100e2ffed916511', 'region': 'us-west-2', 'operation': 'Scan', 'snapshotId': '72267b53-9594-4369-8507-e89e45e479b1', 'installOverrideList': '', 'rebootOption': 'RebootIfNeeded', 'associationId': '43b0b8d6-3828-4900-b0bb-4622ecf5b260', 'associationSeverity': 'UNSPECIFIED'}
04/13/2023 20:04:59 root [ERROR]: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'error_code'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/./", line 117, in <module>
    (patching_exit_code, inventory) = (get_execution_module(oper_sys, snapshot_object.product)).execute(snapshot_object, override_list)
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/", line 91, in get_execution_module
    raise PatchManagerError("Could not find module %s for %s" % (module_name, operating_system))
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'error_code'

I've removed account and instance ids from the error message.

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