S3 upload issues through the AWS console


I have a bucket on account A, and want to provide access to upload files to a user on account B, and retain the ownership of the files uploaded. Bucket owner is enforced and the bucket policy is in place to allow PUTs to the bucket from the account B user. However when using the AWS console, user B gets an error "Access control list (ACL) not supported", but I can still upload files when using the aws cli. Am I missing something or is it possible at all to upload files through the AWS console when bucket owner is enforced? thank you

demandé il y a 3 ans3,3 k vues
4 réponses

I had this same issue. I found that having "s3:GetBucketOwnershipControls" permissions on the bucket allowed the console upload to work. I assume that by allowing the console to see that bucket owner ownership is enforced it doesn't try to use an ACL, which previously caused the upload failures.

répondu il y a 3 ans

The only way I found to fix this was to temporarily enable ACLs on the destination bucket and then turn them off afterwards. Seems like a bug.

répondu il y a 2 ans

Wasn't able to reproduce this. ACL disabled + bucket owner enforced bucket is supposed to work in AWS console without any issues. How are you accessing the AWS console to account A's bucket? Is the URL "https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/BUCKET_NAME" ?

répondu il y a 3 ans

Correct, I use that URL to access it, btw I did some diging in CloudTrail and it shows that the successful API call from aws cli uses this header on the request: x-amz-acl:“bucket-owner-full-control”, but when I do it through the console on the browser that header is missing. Thanks.

répondu il y a 3 ans

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